Does Your New York Traffic Court Waiver & Authorization Need to Be Signed Before a Notary Public?
Published on 1/18/2019 - Updated on 5/23/2024
New York State law allows defendants to “waive” their personal appearance in court for a traffic ticket. This means your attorney can go to traffic court in your place to handle your traffic ticket. Your lawyer can negotiate on your behalf, file paperwork for you, and enter into a plea bargain disposition in your place. If your case is resolved via plea bargain, then your lawyer will be entering into a guilty plea to a reduced violation that carries less points. Defendants have various rights, and by pleading guilty to a reduced charge they are waiving those rights. A judge needs to be sure that the Defendant agrees to waive these rights.
When a traffic ticket attorney retains a client that does not want to appear in court, the attorney gives their client a “Waiver/Authorization”. This form goes by different names, and the content of the form may vary from lawyer to lawyer. However, the form always included an acknowledgment by the defendant that they are waiving some basic rights, including the right to appear, the right to have a trial, the right to testify, the right to cross examine the police officer, etc.
Some justices require that the waiver be signed before a notary. This is often a hassle for clients, especially for Canadian clients and other clients that are overseas. It is difficult to get a document notarized out of the United States. The requirement for an original document is not based on a correct understanding of the law.
“permits entry thereof by counsel upon the filing by him of a written and subscribed statement by the defendant declaring that he waives his right to plead to the information in person and authorizing his attorney to enter a plea on his behalf”.
The word “subscribed” means signed, not signed before a notary. See Black Law Dictionary “Subscribe.”
Some judges cite:
“Where sentence is to be pronounced for a misdemeanor or for a petty offense, the court may dispense with the requirement that the defendant be personally present. Any such motion must be accompanied by a waiver, signed and acknowledged by the defendant.”
The word “acknowledged” means notarized. But the notarization requirement does not apply to traffic tickets. CPL § 380.40 states an exception for “a different or inconsistent procedure is provided by any other law” and specifically allows for waivers that are not notarized. Furthermore CPL § 380.40 cannot be used for traffic tickets because then every guilty plea can’t be accepted because it is not compliant with CPL § 380.40. Some judges require that the form have an original signature and will not accept copies. This also does not appear to be correct.
The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket defense firm. We are a state-side firm having handled cases in most of the approximately one thousand justice courts and city courts in New York State. Our firm takes on cases in Mohawk Valley Long Island North Country Southern Tier New York City Capital District Western Region Hudson Valley Finger Lakes Catskill Mountains.
The Benjamin Goldman Law Office provides all motorists with a free consultation.