Speeding & Traffic Ticket Lawyer for the
City of White Plains, New York

City of White Plains, New York

White Plains is a city in Westchester County, New York. The city is a commercial hub, home to numerous businesses and corporations. The Westchester County government offices are located in White Plains. As of February of 2025, the city population was estimated at 61,750. On weekdays, approximately 250,000 people enter the city for employment.

Traffic Tickets in the City of White Plains

The White Plains City Court has jurisdiction over certain legal matters in the city. The court also adjudicates traffic tickets that were issued in White Plains. Most citations come from the two highways that traverse White Plains, the I-287 (Cross Westchester Expressway) and the Hutchinson River Parkway. Mamaroneck Avenue is a major street running north-south through the middle of the city. Other busy roads include North Street (NYS-127) and Ridgeway. On highways, the most common ticket is for speeding. On city streets, the charges are more varied. In general, New York State Troopers conduct traffic patrols on the highways and White Plains Police conduct traffic patrol on the local streets.

For any White Plains traffic ticket, it may be prudent to consider retaining a traffic lawyer. Your attorney can go to court instead of you and gives you the best shot at obtaining the most optimal disposition. You can contact the attorneys at the Benjamin Goldman Law Office for any White Plains-related traffic charges.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket defense firm. We opened in 2011. Since then, we have helped many motorists at the White Plains City Court. Our attorneys are diligent and persistent in their quest for the best possible disposition. We receive many referrals and five-star reviews, which reflect the effort we put into each case. Our team is willing to take on the most challenging cases and we welcome any traffic related charges in White Plains. You can feel free to utilize our offer for a free consultation. We can be reached via phone call, text, email, or website submission.

Points Reduced or Money Back Guarantee*

Our firm offers a Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee*. This means we will issue a full refund of your legal fee if we are unable to reduce any points added to your license as a result of the ticket.

*Traffic tickets only. Does not apply to misdemeanors and felonies.

Contact Us Any Of The Below Ways:

Information on the White Plains City Court

Address: 77 South Lexington Avenue, White Plains, New York 10601
Location: Google Maps
Phone: 914-824-5675
Fax: 914-824-5858
More Information: Court Website

Hon. John P. Collins Jr.
Hon. Anthony J. Keogh
Hon. Eric P. Press
Hon. Lynette V. Spaulding
Joseph Palazzo
Fred Guerra

White Plains Corporate Counsel