Speeding & Traffic Ticket Lawyer for the
Town of Wolcott, New York

Town of Wolcott, New York

Wolcott is the name of a town in Wayne County, New York. The City of Rochester is approximately forty miles to the west and the city of Syracuse is approximately forty-five miles to the east. The town rests on the southern shore of Lake Ontario. As of , the town population was estimated at 4,000. The town’s early economy was based on iron ore mining and smithing. Nowadays, the town is a mix of suburbia, various farms, and vacation homes near the lake. Within the town of Wolcott is the Village of Wolcott and the Village of Red Creek. There are also three hamlets: Desborough Park, Furnace Village, and North Wolcott.

Traffic Tickets in the Town of Wolcott

There are two courts in Wolcott. One is the Wolcott Village Court, which serves only the village. The other is the Wolcott Town Court, which serves the rest of the town, including the Village of Red Creek. Both courts handle the same types of legal matters. The village court will only deal with legal matters that arose from within the village. The town court handles the rest.

The Village of Wolcott employs a small police force. They patrol and issue tickets answerable to the village court. Outside of the village, tickets are issued by New York State Troopers and Wayne County Sheriff Deputies. Typical citations in town include driving with a suspended license and speeding. Most tickets are issued on the town’s primary roadways, such as New York State Route 104 (NYS-104) and County Route 165 (Red Creek Road). NYS-104 serves the south end of town, heading east and west. CR-165 does the same, heading east and west except through the center town area. Running north and south along the eastern town line is New York State Route 104A (NYS-104A), which connects NYS-104 and CR-165 to each other in the Village of Red Creek.

If you are cited, fairly or unfairly, with a traffic violation in Wolcott, you can get in touch with the Benjamin Goldman Office. Our firm has experience in Wolcott. We can review your ticket and let you know about your options. All consultations are free, and you can get in touch with us at your convenience.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State law firm that practices Vehicle & Traffic Law. We opened in 2011 and since then have handled many traffic tickets of all types of moving violations. We have amassed significant experience in fighting all kinds of traffic-related charges. If you are interested in keeping your driving record clean, get in touch with us as soon as possible. We can do all the hard work for you for a one-time flat legal fee.

Points Reduced or Money Back Guarantee*

Our firm offers a Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee*. This means we will issue a full refund of the legal fee if we are unable to reduce any of the points associated with your tickets.

*Traffic tickets only. Does not apply to misdemeanors and felonies.

Contact Us Any Of The Below Ways:

Information on the Wolcott Town Court

Address: 6070 Lake Avenue, Wolcott, New York 14590
Location: Google Maps
Phone: (315) 594-8257
E-mail: wolcotttowncourt@rochester.rr.com
More Information: Court Website

Hon. Henry Krasucki
Hon. Roger Misso

Court Clerk:
Mary Anne McConkey

Henry Schall Esq.