Speeding & Traffic Ticket Lawyer for
Davenport, New York

Town of Davenport, New York

Davenport is a town in Delaware County, New York. It is in a rural part of Upstate New York, approximately 75 miles northeast of Binghamton and approximately 75 miles southwest of Albany. The town covers a bit more than 50 square miles and has an estimated population of 2,950 (). Davenport was formed in 1817. The town was named after John Davenport, an early settler who also later became the town’s first supervisor. Five hamlets make up the town. They are: Butts Corners, Davenport, Davenport Center, Hoseaville, and West Davenport.

Traffic Tickets in Davenport

The Town of Davenport Justice Court has jurisdiction over various low-level legal matters. They also adjudicate all the town’s traffic tickets. The court is located in the Davenport Town Hall building on Route 23 in the Hamlet of Davenport Center. Traffic citations can be issued by deputies of the Delaware County Sheriff’s Officer or troopers of the New York State Police. The town does not have its own police department.

Most traffic stops occur on the larger, busier roads such as New York State Route 23. NYS-23 runs east and west through town, parallel to the Charlotte Creek. Heading west on NYS-23 brings you to the neighboring small city of Oneonta. Heading east brings you through Harpersfield and into the Village of Stamford. NYS-23 also passes through several hamlets and communities including Hoseaville, Davenport Center and Pindars Corners. County Route 9 and County Route 41 enter Davenport from the northern part of the town. They lead motorists to Hoseaville and NYS-23. The remaining town is accessible via smaller local roads. For any traffic ticket in Davenport, you can contact the Benjamin Goldman Law Office.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket defense firm. We first opened in Monticello in 2011. Since then, we have been helping motorists facing serious traffic charges in the justice courts. Our lawyers have successfully obtained dismissals and significant reductions on behalf of many of our clients. We will be glad to help with any traffic-related charges in Davenport. You can contact us via the method of your convenience. We will review your ticket and advise you on your options. The Benjamin Goldman Law Office does not charge for a consultation

Points Reduced or Money Back Guarantee*

Our firm offers a Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee*. This means we will issue a full refund of your legal fee if we are unable to reduce the points added to your license as a result of the ticket.

*Traffic tickets only. Does not apply to misdemeanors and felonies.

Contact Us Any Of The Below Ways:

Information on the Davenport Justice Court

Physical Address: 11790 State Highway 23, Davenport Center, New York 13751
Mailing Address: PO Box 131, Davenport Center, New York 13751
Location: Google Maps
Phone: (607) 278-5105
Fax: (607) 715-0791
More Information: Court Website

Town Justice:
Hon. Eric Lutz

Court Clerk:
Karen Smith

ADA Schuyler T. Konior Kinneman. Esq.