Speeding & Traffic Ticket Lawyer for the
Sloatsburg, New York Court

Town of Sloatsburg, New York

Sloatsburg is a small village in Rockland County, New York. The village is inside the Town of Ramapo. , its population was estimated at 3,200. The village covers roughly three square miles. Sloatsburg was named after an early European landowner, Stephen Sloat, who received the land from his father-in-law. Sloat settled on the land and started a tavern which became a popular destination for travelers heading to Albany. The tavern also served as a headquarters for American troops stationed in the Ramapo Pass during the American Revolutionary War. It is said that George Washington himself stopped at the tavern on June 6th, 1779.

Traffic Tickets in the Town of Sloatsburg

The village is important to motorists because the New York State Thruway and New York State Route 17 run through its jurisdiction. The Sloatsburg Village Court handles many traffic tickets that were issued in the village boundaries, mostly in the summer months. Traffic stops on the Thruway are always conducted by New York State Police. The majority of tickets issued on the Thruway are for speeding violations. The Thruway through Sloatsburg is three lanes in each direction with a 65 miles per hour speed limit. However, motorists in this area often exceed the speed limit, mostly unintentionally.

Traffic stops on local village roads or NYS-17 are usually conducted by the Ramapo Police Department. The NYS-17 (sometimes referred as the “Orange Turnpike”) serves the local population and is also used to bypass the Thruway. This road is not consistent, the number of lanes change back and forth, and the speed limit fluctuates. These changes result in a speed trap for motorists that are not familiar with the road.

All citations for traffic violations alleged to have been committed in the village boundaries are adjudicated in the Village of Sloatsburg Village Court. The court is located in the Sloatsburg Municipal Building. If you received a traffic ticket in Sloatsburg, please be aware that it does not mean you have to suffer the consequences of the points, high fines, and increased insurance rates. There are ways of avoiding these costs. A good traffic ticket attorney can go to court instead of you and get your charges reduced substantially, often to a parking violation. This avoids points and does not go on your driving record. Please note, this can be done even if you do not have a defense to the charges.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office has helped many motorists in Sloatsburg. We are a traffic ticket defense firm and have been in operation since 2011. Our attorneys take traffic law very seriously and put maximum effort into all our cases. We take on serious charges like speeding and reckless driving. We also take on less serious infractions like improper use of hazard lights and failure to yield to emergency vehicles. If you received a traffic ticket in Sloatsburg, you can get in touch with us. Consultations are free.

Points Reduced or Money Back Guarantee*

Our firm offers a Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee*. This means we will issue a full refund of the legal fee if we are unable to reduce any points associated with your tickets.

*Traffic tickets only. Does not apply to misdemeanors and felonies.

Contact Us Any Of The Below Ways:

Information on the Sloatsburg Justice Court

Address: 96 Orange Turnpike, Sloatsburg, New York 10974
Location: Google Maps
Phone: 845-753-5506
Fax: 845-753-5512
Email: MABalducci@nycourts.gov
More Information: Court Website

Village Justices:
Hon. Jerome S. Jefferson
Hon. Theresa Bitterman-Jagard

Court Clerks:
Kim Peters
Maria Abbate-Balducci