Speeding & Traffic Ticket Lawyer for
Palm Tree, New York

Palm Tree, New York

Palm Tree is a town in Orange County, New York. It is located around fifty miles northwest of New York City and is considered part of the Hudson Valley region., the estimated population was 35,000. Palm Tree is the newest town in New York State, having been established in January of 2019. The impetus to create a town was due to a dispute between the Village of Kiryas Joel and the Town of Monroe. Now there is a coterminous village and town.

Traffic Tickets in Palm Tree

There is no town police department. Palm Tree receives police services from county sheriffs and state police. Both are authorized to conduct traffic stops. They issue traffic citations for various infractions, including equipment violations, driving with a suspended license, and speeding, When the town first opened in 2019, they did not have judges or a courtroom. Traffic citations were adjudicated mostly in the Monroe Town Court. In 2022, the town constructed a courthouse on Bakerstown Road. The town now handles traffic matters in their own town court.

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office

The Benjamin Goldman Law Office is a New York State traffic ticket defense firm. Our firm operates in the Orange County justice courts and can help with any Palm Tree traffic ticket. We first opened in 2011 and since then have helped many hundreds of clients in Orange County. The goal of our attorneys is to ensure you do not get points on your license. This means your driving privileges are not at risk and you do not see increased insurance rates. We welcome any traffic-related charges in Palm Tree. Consultations are free.

Points Reduced or Money Back Guarantee*

Our firm offers a Point Reduction or Money Back Guarantee*. This means we will issue a full refund of your legal fee if we are unable to reduce the points added to your license as a result of the ticket.

*Traffic tickets only. Does not apply to misdemeanors and felonies.

Contact Us Any Of The Below Ways:

Information on the Palm Tree Justice Court

Address: 46 Bakertown Road, Monroe, NY 10950
Location: Google Maps
Phone: 845-783-2600
Fax: 845-693-0020
More Information: Court Webpage

Town Justices:
Hon. Richard Croughan
Hon. Stephen Hunter

Court Clerk:
Carin Szkodzinsky

Conor Horan, Esq.